The world of Pakistani designer wear has been absolutely captivating the style-conscious in the UK, thanks to the undeniable influence of fabulous Bollywood divas. We’ve recently seen the ever-gorgeous Kareena Kapoor Khan and the timeless Neetu Sign donning exquisite outfits by renowned Pakistani designers Iqbal Hussain and Mishal Akhani, respectively, sending the fashion world into a tizzy.
Returns Policy
We want your shopping experience at House of Ayeza to be exceptional, which is why we have a comprehensive returns policy in place. Please take a moment to review the following guidelines to ensure a smooth and hassle-free return process.
To be eligible for a return, the item(s) must meet the following criteria:
- The returns request must be completed on our website. Items returned without completing the request will be rejected and may incur additional redelivery charges.
- The item(s) must not be from the Clearance / Outlet / or Sale offer as these items are non-returnable.
- The item(s) must be unused, in the same condition as when received, with all tags attached and in their original packaging.
- The item(s) must be returned within 14 days of receiving your order.
To initiate a return, follow these steps:
- Complete the returns request on our website here.
- Ensure the item(s) meet the eligibility criteria mentioned above.
- Return the item(s) to House of Ayeza Returns within 14 days of receiving your order.
- We will inspect the returned item(s) upon receipt.
Refunds will be processed based on the following conditions:
- If eligible, a credit note refund or exchange will be processed once we confirm receipt of the item(s).
- Cash or card refunds, if eligible, will be processed within 14 working days.
Please note that credit notes are valid for one year from the date of issue.
You have a limited window to cancel your order:
- Non-Ready to Ship products can be cancelled within 24 hours of placing the order.
- Email our support team at to initiate the cancellation process.
- Ready to Ship orders cannot be cancelled, as they are dispatched within 24-48 hours of receiving the order.
- Please note that cancellation requests can only be approved by our support team and not through social media platforms or the Message Us button.
It is your responsibility to ensure compliance with our returns policy:
- Take reasonable care of the goods until they reach us in the same condition as when you received them.
- Inspect the goods without causing damage, including the original packaging and labels/tags.
- We do not accept liability for goods that do not reach us. We recommend using a recorded delivery service and retaining proof of postage.
- We reserve the right to refuse a return or exchange if damage occurs to the goods.
- Please note that all clothing products sold on our website are recommended to be dry-cleaned. We will not be responsible for any claims resulting from washing using methods other than dry cleaning, or claims for variation, beading/sequence displacement, or any damage caused by improper care.
At House of Ayeza, we value your satisfaction and aim to provide the best service possible. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our returns policy, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.
Fall in love with 2024’s most gorgeous Pakistani Velvet collections now in the UK.